Meet A Mom Dr. Aryn Delaney, DPT of Warrior Physical Therapy, LLC | The Sarasota Moms

Meet Dr. Aryn Delaney, local mom and owner of Warrior Physical Therapy. She’s on a mission to revolutionize women’s postpartum and pelvic health. Check out her own motherhood journey and how she’s empowering moms and changing society’s view on pelvic floor therapy.

How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Three kids a 10 y/o ,8 y/o, and 9 months old.

What do you love about living in the Sarasota area?

I love our friendly community, endless restaurant options, and Sarasota’s beautiful sunsets.

What’s your favorite restaurant and place to shop in Sarasota?

My favorite restaurant would have to be Cooper’s Hawk. I was blown away by the flavor in each meal!  My favorite place to shop is Hobby Lobby, I am a crafter at heart!

Tell us about your business.

My business is focused on women’s health and pelvic floor dysfunction. I treat all the topics that women typically think are considered “TMI”. I help
women solve their leakage, diastasis, pain with intercourse, constipation, low belly pooch, hip and low back pain among so many other conditions. I
am also very mom centered in my business, because so many of us have “mom guilt”, and place our health on the back burner to take care of others.  I’m here to take care of YOU!

What do you love about your business?

I love that I am able to empower women to solve their symptoms, and feel the best version of themselves. So many women suffer in silence due to
societal expectations, or because the doctor said that’s normal. I am excited to be a part of changing societal “norms and expectations”.  Symptoms are COMMON not NORMAL. I strive to catch women before they fall through the cracks of western medicine.

What are some of your hobbies?

My hobbies include family time, gardening, and my fantasy fiction novels!

How do you juggle being a business owner and motherhood?

I support the phrase, “it takes a village”. I am fortunate to have my mother in town to help watch the baby while I go to work. My big kids are able to help with the baby when I need a few minutes to brush my teeth or shower.  I have really tried to create a balance between being a business owner, wife, and mother. Sometimes I do have to take from one cup to fill another one, so I try my best to find balance between all three roles, without letting myself get lost in the process. I admit it took me about nine months postpartum to even feel like I’m getting my energy and motivation back. So prioritizing my health has become one of my top priorities. That way, if I feel the best version of myself, I can show up in a better way for my family and business. I think that’s a lot of times what we’re lacking, our health matters too!

What is the best piece of advice you’ve received from another mom?

To give myself grace. Try not to compare myself to all of the other moms that may be in different circumstances. There is no exact timeline in
postpartum recovery, we will all heal at a different pace, and that’s OK!

What is something you would tell other moms wanting to launch their own businesses?

I would advise them to have confidence. It does take work and can be stressful, but it’s a different kind of stress. For me, one that was more
welcomed than my burn out job I had before. My mental health is so much better, and I have more control of my schedule without feeling guilty and
asking for time off. I consider this business a child. It does take nurturing and effort, but surround yourself by like-minded individuals that will help
support you through it!

What has been the biggest reward of owning your own business?

To piggyback off the previous question, my mental health is so much better. I don’t dread going to work every day. I feel fulfilled by pursuing
something I had passion and love for. I truly think mental health matters, and I now have that because of my business..

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